Thursday 3 July 2014

STROKE-The second leading cause of death in the world

Stroke is a global health threat being one of the leading causes of disability and death in the world.
 The disease occurs when part of the brain loses its blood supply and stops functioning.

     Types of Stroke
 There are two types of stroke;
           Ischaemic Stroke.
                       Haemorrhagic Stroke.

       Ischaemic stroke is the most common type of stroke and it results from blocked artery.
       Haemorrhagic stroke results from the sudden bursting of the artery with consequent bleeding into the brain tissue.

Let’s look at some things that can increase a person’s chances of developing stroke

       Hypertension -the most common risk factor.
       Tobacco smoking
       Lack of exercise
       Diabetes mellitus
       Heart conditions
       Harmful use of alcohol
       Hypercholesterolaemia- High level of cholesterol in the blood stream.
       Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) - Disease of the blood vessels (arteries and vein).



        The deadly strokes of stroke can be significantly reduced or even averted if the signs and symptoms are noticed on time. FAST has been devised for the quick and easy identification of these signs and symptoms.
FAST is an acronym for Face, Arm, Speech and Time
·         Face; One side of the face hangs downward or losses its feelings
·         Arm; One-sided weakness or loss of feelings.
·         Speech; Inability to speak or incoherent speeches.
·         Time; Identify this signs on time and get medical help immediately. Like they say in our local parlance; “Delay is dangerous.”


o   Weakness or losses of feelings in one lower limb (the leg, ankle, thigh, hip, and foot).
o   Mental confusion or impaired awareness, especially regarding place, time, or personal identity.
o   Unexplainable sudden severe headache.
o   Walking difficulties/uncoordinated movements.
o   Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes.
o   Loss of consciousness.


                Some of the preventive measures that can help (according to research) keep you far from      the grip of stroke, especially if you have one or more of the risk factors mentioned above are;
Ø  Check your Blood Pressure regularly and ensure it is under control.
Ø  Stop smoking.
Ø  Stop over-dosing yourself with alcohol.
Ø  Regular Exercise; 30-60minutes of exercise 4-6times weekly can help.
Ø  If you are obese, churn down that plenty calories. Your body does not need them.
Ø  Blood cholesterol level can be reduced with statins- statins are drugs which are used to lower cholesterol level and it works by blocking the enzyme in the liver that is responsible for producing cholesterol. E.g. Lipito, Crestor, Levacor, Zocor, etc.

Disclaimer: the information provided here is for the singular purpose of educating and informing you. Please, you are not advised, under any circumstances, to handle your medical issues yourself. See your doctor.


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