Saturday, 5 October 2013

How to Tackle Menstrual Cramps

Do I need to bug you with the definition of menstrual cramps? You sure know what it is, don't you?

Well, a woman's body undergoes series of physical, mental and emotional changes in a lifetime. Some of these changes often arrive in the company of painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Menstruation is one of such changes and the pain (severe or mild) a woman tussles with when her monthly gift arrive from Mother Nature is what is referred to as menstrual cramp (dyemenorrhea). This discomfort is often accompanied by fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. It could make a woman non-function for a whole day.

Menstrual cramps could be quite severe in some while in others it is barely pronounced and last for a while. If you feel terrible menstrual cramps during your time of the month, my candid advice is that you should see a medical doctor to ascertain the root cause of the condition. Extreme menstrual cramps could have a good link with a medical condition known as Endometriosis.

Endometriosis is the unusual growth of endometrial cells similar to those lining the tissue of the uterus, but in a location outside of the uterus. The endometrial cells are shed each month during menstruation.

The symptoms of endometriosis are infertility, pelvic pain which usually occurs during or just before menstruation and lessens after menstruation. Some women also experience painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) or cramping during intercourse, and or/pain during bowel movements and/or urination.
Endometriosis has no known cure, but the condition can be managed with pain relievers, hormonal treatments, and surgery.
If your pain is less severe but your heart often skips when that time of the month draw closer, here are some cheery pills.
  • Take pain relievers recommended by your doctor: These pills help regulates your period as   well as maintain a steady level of hormones, which greatly reduces the severity of menstrual cramps. Be religious with the recommended pills; don’t wait for the pains to start before taking your pills and avoid pills that are not recommended for you by a physician
  • Try not to think about things that would distress, anger or upset you during your period. Emotional stress can aggravate the likelihood of a debilitating menstrual cramp.

  •  Give yourself enough time to sleep: Generally, having enough sleep is important. The importance of a good sleep cannot be divorced from a stress free menstrual period.

  • Drink lots of water: Water enhances the effective functioning of the liver and the balancing of your hormones. When you stay without enough water for hours especially in dry season, you get dehydrated and your chances of having an irritating menstrual cramp will be high.           
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Eat lots of fruits, like banana, green leafy vegetable, like spinach and cabbage. Nuts, Milk, yogurt, whole grain and fresh seafood. These are ideal foods to consume before, and during menstrual period because of their rich calcium, Omega-3 and B Vitamins content and magnesium content. 
  •  Maintain a regular exercise: Some light exercises and stretching can help ease menstrual pain, but avoid intense exercises. Indoor exercises are a lot better; you can try these floor exercises at home: Lie down and elevate your legs by putting a pillow under your knees or lie on your side and bring your knees up to your chest to relieve back pressure.

  • Use a hot water bottle or hot towel to press your tummy where you feel the pains. Using a heat pad or hot water bottle on your lower back and abdomen can help relax your muscles. Long, hot baths, steamy showers can also relieve you of menstrual cramps.

  • Please stay away from caffeine as much as possible. Caffeine is a diuretic, and can aggravate cramps.

  •  Avoid sugar intake; honey, desserts, maple syrup and carrying heavy objects.
  •  A gentle massage will go a long way to reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps. A good massage relaxes the nervous system and promotes the even circulation of blood. But please, when you visit one make sure that the masseuse knows the reason why you need it so that she can massage the critical areas judiciously.

  • Be very cautious with your personal hygiene during your period.
  • Practice how to clean your private part from front to back, because the bacteria present from the anal opening may enter the vagina and cause infections and complications.
  • And finally, make sure the quality of the pads you are using is of good quality and learn how to change them very often.
Are there other ways to remedy menstrual cramp? Let us discuss!


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